Wednesday, September 30

That's What She Said

Selfish Me -

Why in the world did I come here again? I am away from my Fiance, my country, my home town, my family, my friends/church, I am away from my favorite language in all the world (ENGLISH), my Fiance (did I already mention that?), familiar foods that I crave twice a week like Chipotle, I miss walking on pavement, and driving my car and listening to whatever CD I so choose, at whatever volume that is not "too loud". There are so many things that I miss, I could even go on. I miss meat, cheese, fruits like berries, peaches, mandarins, apples, and oranges. Where did the good chocolate go? Yes these are the cries and struggles of an American girl in a third world country. Pathetic? Not yet. I miss being stared at by people who actually care if they are caught in the act. Here people just stare at you cause you are white. You would think that after staring back for 6 seconds, the eye contact would be broken by the original stare-E, but nope, people just love to stare here. Hey, maybe they will even laugh at you? Right in your face too. Cause how silly are we (American folk) to care about getting ripped off by a bunch of Ugandans at the market. It's not like we are buying our groceries every week and trying to get reasonable prices so that our money is an existing factor come week eleven.

Happy, Content, and Completely Satisfied Me -

I Love Africa! The Volunteer house, the people I am living with, the people that help out and live here (Betty, Kimby, Nancy, George, and Sharon), and taking my time as I walk places.
I love not caring about what time it is, but rather, calculating the day by the placement of the sun in the sky... or lack-there-of. Teaching English classes on Wednesdays with everyone is really fun and a great time to get to see the women talk and be themselves. I particularly am found of the rainfall that occurs every once in a while here. How it falls unexpectedly for as long as it wishes. Commanding the attention of everyone as the sounds shake the ground and as rain falls politely into neat puddles situated on the mud side streets and main roads. People everywhere take refuge in their home or under the roof of an unfinished house as they wait for the performance to end. Waking up in the mornings and having a good two hours before anyone gets cracking on their day fun alone time (Randy being the exception of course. He always seems to be on his way to town by nine). Also, having quiet time that seems never ending during the evenings keeps my heart happy. Missing people, yet knowing that I am in a place right now in life that I will never duplicate ever again helps bring contentment my way. Hearing God speak. That's been the topper of it all. God is speaking and I love hearing from Him. :)
That's pretty much it for now. I will try to blog less in each post that way you are not reading a book each time you check in.

Love you all!!!

Thanks for prayers and support.

(compliments to Randy for the totally brill title)

1 comment:

  1. bacca, i am so proud of you. keep embracing the differences. refreshing, isn't it. i am praying for you everyday and reading your blog more often than i read my textbooks. i love you so much, you have a huge a huge support group here in North America! We are all praying for you and know that God is will move powerfully in you in Uganda. i love you!!!
